Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Noah's almost one!

Here he is already starting to strut around the house.
He has started calling his own shots recently.
So I know it's been over a month since our last post, and we have some interesting new news. We had another sonogram to measure the development of our little Cooper and confirmed what we already knew. Noah is getting a brother. Everything is developing as it should be and we got some nice profile pictures that I would gladly post here as well if I knew how. Grampa Dan came out to visit last weekend and was able to spend some quality time getting to know his grandson. Hockey games are an important part of a child's development I always say. Grampa Bob is coming next to help Noah celebrate turning one. Can you believe it? My aunt told me before Noah was born, "Timmy, you're going to wonder what you ever did with all of your spare time." You were right!

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